Op  tical Duchamp
On Duchamp
Still under de•re•construction 
  In 1920 Duchamps special interest in motion and optical effects resulted in, what he called, 'rotoreliefs':  cardboard discs, printed with patterns creating an illusion of a 3D (spatial) object when turning around on a 'phonograph' (record player) and especially for the rotorelief designed machines. Abstract figures, but also objects such as a champagne glass or an egg-cup with an egg etc. where the 'motives' on these discs. 
Maybe Duchamp hoped to realize the prophecy of Apollinaire that he was foreordained to 'be the conciliator of art with people'. He rented a stand at the Concours Lépine, an annual fair for fancy domestic gadgets and general inventions, and made a display with his rotoreliefs. 
People were very interested, but nobody purchased any of the cardboard rotoreliefs: some rotoreliefs were for sale, but there's reason to doubt this intention to be anything more than just another example of the inquisitive mind of Marcel Duchamp. 
The rotorelief as an excursion to a non museal approach of the creative process however, is very real. Of course Duchamp would humorously 'tone down' his act - as a result of his moderate (often referred to as nihilistic) philosophy of life - but he wouldn't have made this 'invention' if he didn't take it very seriously as a creative process. (instead he could have spend many hours of 'existential' breathing and playing chess games) 
The 'déposée' (deposit) of the invention at the 'Tribunal de commerce de la Seine' in 1935 has to be - almost beyond doubt - viewed in the same way: as an attempt to a non museal creative process.
  Rotative plaques verre 1920 
Rotative demi-shθre 1924
  An other example of the 'optical' art of Duchamp is the 'coers volants' - fluttering hearts - which he made as a cover for a magazine. Of course the optical effect was interesting to him, but the choice of the subject is rather linguistic (poetic) than merely a simple demonstration of the effect. 
In 1926 he also made a film "Anemic Cinema", in collaboration with Man Ray, based on the rotoreliefs and additional textual material.
  Coers volants
 Anemic Cinema Stills
  Film 35mm, 7 minutes, B&W, 19 'disques' [rotoreliefs] and rotating texts from 'Rrose Sélavy'.
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